Saturday, May 31, 2008

Stolen Art Watch, Gardner Art in Play, Catholic Confession Box Discovery Imminent !!

Art Hostage has had it confirmed by a confidential source that two or three of the stolen Gardner paintings are in play and the subject of negotiation's.

Instead of acting, as in the past, like the Grand Old Duke of York, whereby negotiation's break down, Art Hostage is taking charge, right here, right now !!!!
(1) The main priority of this is the safety of all concerned.
(2) The recovery should only be conducted in a Discovery fashion, not a Handover, as these always end in arrests and possible damage to the artworks.

(3) Place where the Gardner paintings can be discovered that leaves no trace, no CCTV,

Catholic Church confession box. Plenty to choose from around Boston and the Burbs.

(4) Payment of reward.

Now this is something that has to be worked out by those who have these two or three Gardner paintings and Anthony Amore, Boston 6172785114.

(5) Art Hostage assures those with these Gardner paintings that if they place them in a Catholic Church Confession box and allow them to be discovered, there is no possibility of arrest in possession of stolen Gardner art.

Finally, yes getting paid the reward is difficult but I am sure it can be worked out with Anthony Amore.


If we are talking the Rembrandt Storm on the Sea of Galilee, please treat it with care, and if you look on the back you will notice the old repair, curved, shaped like a capital L, the protective wax and varnish should have stopped it getting damaged, but this painting really needs to be in the restorers workshop, as does the other Rembrandt, A Lady and Gentleman in Black, as you will see if you are in possession.

Update, Update:

It sometimes takes serious illness to realise the magnitude of ones power and the power to influence people.

"nanos gigantum humeris insidentes"

"Sir, you stand on the shoulders of Giants"

Art Hostage has the task of safe recovery without arrests.

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